When IVF fails,

What’s next? 

Rapid Fertility Transformation Program: A Proven Program for Successful Conception in Women over 40 for 36 Years. Overcome Unexplained Infertility, Enhance IVF Success, or Achieve Natural Pregnancy Against All Odds.

Table of Contents

Why can’t I get pregnant? 

Discover the root causes of female infertility and why your doctor may not be able to give you the full picture. 

Are you struggling to conceive? You're not alone. In fact, one in three couples in the Western world is now diagnosed with unexplained infertility, meaning doctors can't find anything medically wrong with you or your partner, so the cause of your infertility is unknown.

Contrary to popular belief, the reason you're not getting pregnant is NOT your age. Did you know that the number of women over 40 giving birth has increased by 70 percent in recent years? It's not uncommon for women in their forties to put their careers first or wait to find the right partner before starting a family. 

Yet, women in their forties who go to the doctor and say “I’m forty-five, and I really want to have a baby” are told they have a two-percent chance of it happening - But our body doesn’t age in the way we have been led to believe, it is not true that you are unlikely to conceive after you turn 40. 

The real issue occurs when YOU believe that your body is old and without useful eggs. Negative thoughts and labels have a destructive effect on the central nervous system and can cause the body to respond negatively. The mind holds on to ideas of pain and pleasure, as well as outdated information if it has been repeated often enough.

For example: 

  • Every time you used birth control, you sent a powerful message to your mind: I don’t want to be pregnant. I don’t want a baby.

  • Every time you took your pill, inserted the cap, or used a condom, your brain got the message loud and clear.

  • If you ever experienced a pregnancy scare, you know that at that moment you linked absolute pain and fear to being pregnant.

The role of beliefs in one of my client's journey to pregnancy

One of my clients had such a vivid picture of a teenage friend, forced to live in a government-sanctioned apartment with her baby, an unplanned pregnancy. She felt the hopelessness and ruin of this girl’s dreams, and she vowed to never let that (pregnancy) happen to her. She linked pain and burden and ruin to pregnancy and having a baby.

Now she is a business professional in her 40s, who has traveled the world and is now ready to have a baby. Through hypnosis, we discovered this “vow” she took, and it was repeated through several scenes in her past. She can now let her subconscious mind know that she is ready and having a baby is a blessing, not a burden. She is now pregnant with her second baby!

How your perception of pain and pleasure can affect your fertility

The good news is that we can choose what to link pain and pleasure to. When you associate absolute pleasure with being pregnant and having a baby, it’s an advantage. By telling yourself that your reproductive system is young and super-fertile, you can cause it to respond and behave in a way that matches those thoughts. If your mind links pain to the thought of giving birth or losing your figure after having a baby, it can work against you. 

“The human mind is the most powerful healing force there is. No drug in the world can match it; therefore, any steps you take to conceive must be accompanied by a belief that it will work.” -Marisa Peer, Founder, RTT Hypnotherapy and author of the book, Trying to Conceive and Succeeding Our thoughts are so instant; it is easy to feel that they are controlling us. But instead, we must think:

  • Where did that belief come from?

  • Who put it there?

  • Why am I choosing to believe this?

You might have to work at it initially, but it will become second nature after a while, and it will be worth it. 

Why is IVF not always successful?

Learn the Top 4 Reasons that Hinder Conception in Your 40s or During IVF 

1. IVF causes stress

IVF treatment can lead to a vicious cycle of ongoing stress and unhappiness, affecting both hormone levels and mental wellbeing. Here are two key ways in which IVF-related stress can impact fertility:

  1. The stress triggered by IVF can produce cortisol and adrenaline, which act as natural contraceptives.

  2. High levels of stress can lead the body to believe that it’s not the right time for you to become pregnant. 

2. Your body will match your thinking and behavior

During the IVF process a couple is told not to have sex, or the single mother is not having sex; causing the body to be dormant. However, the body responds to your actions. If you are having lots of sex, the body raises its hormone levels, and prepares itself for the potential outcome of conceiving. The most powerful force in your body is that it aligns with your thoughts. If you have any anxieties about pregnancy such as

  • morning sickness

  • the pain of birth

  • not loving your baby

  • getting postnatal depression,

  • or not having enough money,

then your mind can literally stop you from conceiving.

Many women who terminate a pregnancy or have failed IVF attempts feel guilt and punish themselves at a subconscious level, by denying themselves another baby, even though they are unaware that they are doing this. Their mind believes that being pregnant will bring up bad memories, therefore pregnancy is best avoided. 

It is the number one job of your mind to move you away from anything that causes you pain. Any worries you have about how you will cope with a baby can cause your mind to do everything it can to make sure you never have to deal with that situation. The mind has a powerful control over the body, so every time you said things like

  • “I can’t afford to have a baby now,”

  • “It’s not the right time in my career for children,”

you told your mind you don’t want a baby, and your body responded to that instruction. But your body does not know that you have changed your mind, and the old words are no longer applicable. This thought process is not automatically reversed. 

3. Subconscious blocks that interfere with fertility

Past Belief

Your experiences and beliefs can affect your current fertility. For example, if you believed pregnancy is dangerous for your future during high school, your body may have internalized that message and complied with it.

Trauma and Shame

One of my clients had painful sex, and thought IVF would avoid the sexual part of conception. She was having unsuccessful IVF because in her mind she still feared pain in vaginal birth. In hypnosis, she realised as a child she was curious and injured her vagina. She felt shame around this and this affected her sex life with her husband as well as her fear of giving birth.


Over the years, I have found that some other common blocks to pregnancy include: 

  • Fear of Giving Birth (the pain and the unknown)

  • Fear of Hospitals

  • Fear of Losing Control of Your Body

  • Guilt from a Termination, Stillbirth or Miscarriage

  • Fear of Being a Bad Parent

  • Fear of Losing Your Independence

  • Fear of Missing Out on Life Purpose

  • Fear of the Baby (taking up too much time, difficult)

  • Fear of abandonment from your partner

  • Fear of the baby interfering with your relationship

  • Fear of not loving the baby

  • Fear of Age 

Tori's Interview on Fertility Wellness Podcast: Listen Now!

4. The perception of IVF as “unnatural" 

It's common for women to think IVF is "unnatural" or "painful," and our minds tend to avoid anything that might cause discomfort. This can make it difficult to go through the IVF process and actually conceive. On top of that, the original plan for the couple was to have a baby together, but now the man is completely taken out of it. It starts to feel like a lab procedure or scientific experiment. The couple is even told not to have sex, which can make them feel disconnected from each other and like they don't have control over the situation. All of this can lead to feelings of inadequacy for not being able to conceive naturally. 

I had a client who had several failed IVF attempts. We discovered in the sessions that she thought of the procedure as unnatural and she hated that aspect of it. We also discovered that she loved planting bulbs in the Spring. She had a ceremony around the bulb, letting it grow outside the soil first and then planting it in fertile soil once it’s roots grew outside for optimal growth. Together, we envisioned the implantation of the embryo in the IVF procedure to be just like this plant bulb, growing outside with its roots before going into fertile soil, her healthy uterus, for optimal growth! With this vision, she was able to receive and successfully have the embryo implanted in her womb during IVF after many previous unsuccessful attempts. 

How to free yourself from unexplained infertility

Instead of wishing and hoping to conceive, you have to decide with the unshakable conviction that you are going to have a baby. Your body will then click into gear, and it will get ready to produce that baby. So, how can you do this? You can start actively expecting that you will have a baby. For example, instead of avoiding the baby aisles at the grocery store because it’s painful, you should walk down those aisles and imagine what kind of diapers and bottles your baby will have. You could even buy a small item, like a pair of socks, to have faith that your baby is on the way. By looking at these items and expecting your baby, you can replace worries about infertility with a positive attitude. 

For example, couples who are in the process of adoption are advised to use birth control even if they have fertility issues. This is because statistics show that adoptive parents have a higher chance of becoming pregnant, even before the adoption is finalized. This could be due to their positive mindset and active expectation of becoming parents. In other words, if they believe that they will have a child, it can increase their chances of conceiving. *Note: adopting a dog can have this same effect as you commonly will refer to each other as “mommy” and “daddy.” (i.e.“Mommy will feed you; daddy is going to walk you.”)

If IVF doesn’t work - what’s next?

Explore the alternative path to parenthood beyond unsuccessful IVF treatments for couples experiencing unexplained or secondary infertility 

I’ve had clients try everything from

  • Acupuncture

  • IUI

  • Fertility-Boosted Diet

  • Supplements

  • Watching the fertility cycle

— but the most important tool for use in conceiving your baby is your mind. 

Using vitamins, diet, and holistic therapies can only work, and indeed will work much better, if you also use the power of your mind and your belief system to convince yourself of their effectiveness. The ability to excite the subconscious mind is a great asset in boosting your fertility and changing your biochemistry. Scientists are just beginning to scratch the surface of the amazing capabilities of the mind and body, and one of their findings is that when the imagination is excited by positive thoughts and images, it sets off changes in the body. The same is true for excited but negative thoughts.

Everything we do and everything we want is because of how it makes us feel or will make us feel. We want a baby because we believe this will make our lives better. Believing you will make it happen and seeing it happen in your mind, will cause you to feel better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

The cycle that makes pregnancy possible begins with hormones released in the brain and is directly influenced by a woman’s thoughts and emotions. You can use the power of your mind to

  • influence the quality of your eggs,

  • and to resolve blocks that have prevented you from having a baby.

“Rapid Fertility Transformation Program" Fertility Solution - How does it work?

How to boost your fertility and increase your chances of conceiving a baby, when conventional methods have failed.

How does it work?

During our sessions, I use hypnosis and clairvoyant, intuitive lessons to provide deep understanding and transformative healing. Here is what to expect:

  • Personalized audio recordings, in your own words, designed to help you ovulate premium-grade eggs and increase your chances of conception, naturally or through IVF.

  • Detailed instructions to guide your womb in nurturing and nourishing your baby to full term, enabling you to become a parent.

  • A therapy that teaches your body to respond perfectly to IVF, further enhancing your chances of conception.

  • Activation of the healing power within, to support you in conceiving, carrying, and delivering a healthy baby.

  • A powerful education on the miraculous power of your subconscious mind, which governs your reproductive system, including practical ways to get pregnant quickly.

  • Gain intuitive understanding about your relationships, particularly with your mother, to support your fertility journey.

  • Learn how to overcome the stress response and prime your body for the arrival of your baby.

Your mind is the key to unlocking your ability to conceive. As the most powerful tool on the planet, why not tap into its immense potential and use it to support your fertility journey?

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a mind-body therapy that involves going into a light sleepy-like state, called a trance, (not asleep, but deeply relaxed). Once in this state, the mind is highly suggestible. It’s similar to when you are watching a really good movie on TV; you are in this relaxed state (lowered brain wave) but are not asleep; you are still aware of the room and the sounds around you (the doorbell, the phone, etc.); but, you are focused on the show. (Actually, the commercials shown and repeated within the movie take advantage of you being in this highly suggestible state to sell you their products, as the mind takes the messages in with no filter and the repetition of the commercials reinforces the messages).

Resolving pregnancy blocks you are unaware of

You may have subconscious blocks you are not even aware of. For example, I have clients who, during a hypnosis session with me, have gone back to the simplest, yet profound images. One remembered being a child and having to babysit 11 cousins at the age of 7. She made a decision that she would not be stuck having her own children as she decided at that young age that they are a burden. This belief was preventing her as a woman in her 40’s from conceiving.

Quick Checklist: Is this right for you?

  • You are in the “Baby Zone” —you are yearning for a baby but also in a place where nothing makes sense, you’re frustrated, and you need someone who can help you gain a vision and confidence in your purpose and need to be a mother.

  • You are open-minded to the deeper purpose that motherhood brings to your soul

  • You are ready to change your mind and vision to have a new and different outcome.

  • You are willing to let go of old fears. 

    My programs are tailored for both singles and couples of any orientation; and compliments and enhances any fertility plan, such as Acupuncture, IUI or IVF, you are currently pursuing to create your miracle! 

Meet Tori, Your Fertility Expert

I specialize in Hypnosis with RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) and have over 36 years of experience in Clairvoyant Therapy, having helped thousands of women in all stages of the baby zone: preconception, pregnancy, and motherhood.

Twenty years ago, I struggled with infertility and had a dream of a little boy, who is now my son, Jackson. I used clairvoyant techniques and visualization to overcome my fears and become ready for him. Today, I use these tools and RTT Hypnotherapy to help women all over the world to conceive, even when they have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility.

My belief is that our subconscious thoughts and beliefs about pregnancy, birth, raising children, and how we were raised, can block our ability to conceive, because of both conscious and unconscious fears. I believe that infertility is more spiritual (and mental) than physical. Your thoughts and beliefs must be in alignment with your behavior - to have a child. Your body is following your instructions perfectly —the ones in your subconscious mind!

I have seen that with the mother’s shift in perception, a new understanding of female energy, and some training in communication with the spirit of the baby, blocks are removed and miracles happen

Visit www.ToriQuisling.com to book now!

My Qualifications as a Fertility Therapist

  • 36 years of experience as a clairvoyant practitioner, including training and work at the Berkeley Psychic Institute.

  • Educator, author, therapist, and medium, offering insights and lessons on all metaphysical topics to support the spirit, mind, body connection, and connection with baby spirits.

  • Founder of the School - The Center for Clairvoyant and Psychic Development, which has graduated hundreds of students.

  • Master's Degree in Education and Writing; teacher in public schools and college.

  • Author of the books: "Calling in Your Baby: A Clairvoyant’s Guide to Manifesting Your Pregnancy,” and "The Clairvoyant Practitioner: A Simple Guide to Developing Your Clairvoyant Abilities” (both books are available on Amazon)

  • Certified in Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with Marisa Peer

  • Featured on news, TV, radio, magazines, and newspapers

  • Personally helped hundreds of women to conceive.

Client Reviews:
Welcoming Our Miracle Babies

Against All Odds: 4 Clients' Inspiring Journeys from IVF Failure to Welcoming a New Life

“I was pregnant naturally after multiple rounds of IVF fertility treatments.”

Laura Bodycott, New York , NY

My work with Tori was truly an amazing experience that provided me with lifelong tools for staying grounded, positive and navigating through a variety of situations. Even though I was going through a difficult time I immediately felt like I was getting back on the right track and able to see things more clearly after one session. I came to see Tori after 3.5 years of trying to have a baby. I was in a very fragile state filled with worry and deep anxiety. Through my weekly sessions with Tori along with the calling in your baby couple’s reading that my husband and I attended together I found out I was pregnant naturally after multiple rounds of IVF fertility treatments! I am forever grateful for my work with Tori and would highly recommend her for couples out there who are struggling.

“After years of IVF, …Tori helped me return to the spiritual and intuitive side of fertility…Shortly after, I became pregnant with our daughter.”

Sunshine H., Brooklyn, NY

Working with Tori was absolutely amazing.  After years of IVF, a friend suggested I get in touch with her and I am forever grateful.  I met with Tori, who helped me return to the spiritual and intuitive side of fertility.  Shortly after our initial meeting, I became pregnant with my daughter.  Tori helped me to connect with myself and my baby during pregnancy and to release any fears I had regarding delivery.   One of my favorite parts of working with Tori was the custom meditations she made specifically for me and my situation.  I listened daily and it truly calmed me and helped to make my pregnancy a wonderful experience.  Tori is forever part of our "village" and I will be working with her again for baby #2!

“Now we have two “babies” and are more happy than ever!”

Donna and John Shaw, New York, NY

The tools Tori taught us in the sessions were instrumental in our finally conceiving our beautiful, baby girl after 2 failed IVF’s. We spoke to her spirit daily and used the visualization tools to see her “sliding in!” Through the sessions, we were able to see how adopting a puppy brought us closer to being in the vibration of parents and allowed us to release any unconscious blocks that may have been preventing us from conceiving. Now we have two “babies” and are more happy than ever!

“She helped me heal and be open to this wonderful gift”

Denise S., Long Island, NY

My journey to becoming pregnant took four years and I experienced two losses. And while I consulted with many doctors and health practitioners during that time, the tools that I learned from Tori were really important in keeping me believing that it was possible to successfully become pregnant. The tool that I believe was a major turning point was “neutrality” or“detaching from the outcome.”

I was desperate for some certainty on this journey, but what Tori taught clicked one day: “If a baby spirit was meant to come to me, then that was going to happen.” It was important—and I was finally able to hand it over and realize that it wasn’t all about what supplements I was taking or how many acupuncture appointments I went to. If this baby was meant to come to us, it would happen at the right time.

The other tools that helped me enormously were sending healing light to my uterus, particularly after the losses, and welcoming the baby spirit to join us -at his or her pace, not the timing that I thought it should be. Tori’s guidance and tools truly kept me afloat during this journey. Combined with her invitation to stay connected with spirit and be positive, she helped me heal and be open to this wonderful gift.

“As a result, we have a handsome baby boy!”

Zoe and Nate Fuller, North Carolina

As a couple we used Tori’s clairvoyant tools to help us become pregnant after IVF. As a result, we have a handsome baby boy, Liam Savva Fuller. He brings so much joy into our family. He is full of energy, friendly with everyone, and loves to climb on things. He loves cars, books, and loves to cuddle with teddy. I look forward to watching him grow over the years and I am thankful for being a part of Tori’s program.

7 Ways to Benefit
from this Fertility Therapy

  1. Gain hope, confidence, joy and reduce stress from feeling a strong connection with the spirit of your baby.

  2. Stay calm and confident even if a doctor tells you that you have a low chance of conception.

  3. Gain a deeper understanding of the conception process and strengthen the bond between mother and baby.

  4. Learn to communicate with and visualize the baby spirits around you, and understand their purpose and your special relationship with them.

  5. Begin the journey of motherhood by comforting and speaking with your baby, even before conception.

  6. Rediscover spontaneous and playful sex with your partner.

  7. Enhance your chances of conceiving faster and with more joy and patience.

Schedule a free Call
with Fertility Expert Tori Quisling

Frequently Asked Questions

  • All Programs start with a free, 20 minute Clarity Call on Zoom. So you need a computer and internet connection.

    In the clarity call, I want to find out about your unique baby journey and offer you immediate and helpful insights that can support and help you right away! We also discuss how a customized program can further address your specific needs!

  • The sessions in my programs are on zoom and the time varies from 60 minutes to 2 hours (for RTT sessions).

  • I recommend a minimum of 8 sessions; gaining understanding ,clarity and deep removal of blocks to conception and installing the new mind body connection.

  • Tori customizes her sessions to the client's needs. Each session, especially the RTT Session, requires the client to find a private, uninterrupted place to visualize, relax and experience hypnotherapy. A good Wifi and computer is necessary and plenty of time after the session for reflection and integration of new understandings.

  • Yes, absolutely! This therapy enhances IVF by supporting you and giving you a new hopeful mindset and alignment. You will have a customized audio to listen to while going though the IVF procedures for calming and clarity. Often, this therapy makes all the difference in the IVF success.

Revolutionize your IVF journey with this free tool

I have designed this complimentary Hypnotic Recording specifically to support your IVF journey. You can think of it as a guided meditation that aims to create a sense of naturalness and relaxation, transforming your perception of the IVF process.

To receive it, simply enter your email below.